基礎英語プログラム・Foundation English Classes


First- and Second-Year Foundation Language Courses

Introduction to English Language Studies and Academic Research I-II (英語圏文化入門演習 I-II)

This seminar course aims to provide students with orientation toward successful language learning. The course is taught by an English-speaking and a Japanese-speaking teacher. The English class meets every second week. Students in the English class will prepare an independent English study plan and learn how to use the Self-Access Learning Center. Students will learn about the cultural differences of the university English class, learn time-management and study skills, study vocabulary and learn to recognize and correct a number of common language problems in their written and spoken English.

The main objective of this class is for students to learn how to become successful independent learners of English. With the help of the seminar instructor, they will plan and carry out an independent language study program for their first-year.

Oral Communication I-II / III-IV

Oral Communication  is a listening and speaking course that focuses on practical conversation skills for travel and studying abroad. In the class, students will gain confidence in spoken English through drills, language games and role-plays. Role plays will focus on practical situations related to travel, living abroad and university life. Students will also learn about the cultures of the host countries that they intend to visit as well as more general practical advice about traveling and living abroad. To this end, readings, documentary films, advertisements and feature films related to travel and university life may be discussed in class.

The main objective of this class is for students to be able to engage in practical oral communication, especially for the purpose of travel and studying abroad. Students will gain confidence in speaking and develop a repertoire of English expressions for easy and fluent conversation. Students will also acquire knowledge of the variety of cultures of the English-speaking world.

Special Activity (1st Year): Students will research and write a speech for the BACS Annual Speech Contest, which is held in January. Prizes are awarded for the best speech.

Special Activity (2nd Year): Students write their own short plays for the BACS Skit Performance Event. The plays are performed for an audience of students and teachers. Prizes are awarded for the best plays and best actors.

Presentation I-II / III-IV

Presentation is topic-based discussion course that focuses on the development of academic discussion and presentation skills. The course helps students develop the ability to offer opinions on contemporary issues in Japan and abroad, and support their opinions and claims with adequate and relevant evidence. Students also work on critical thinking and logic, on summarizing information and on asking and responding to questions. In addition to discussion skills, the course gives students extensive practice in making academic and professional presentations. The course requires students to research, organize and deliver presentations alone or in groups. Some class activities are coordinated with IT Literacy, in which students learn how to use PowerPoint for making presentations.

The main objective of this class is for students to begin to develop academic discussion skills as well as their ability to give academic and professional presentations. Students will work on developing a repertoire of expressions and strategies for issues and ideas as well as research, organizing and using technology to communicate information effectively.

Academic Writing I-II / III-IV

Academic Writing is conducted as a workshop. In the class, students will gain an understanding of expository writing as a process with discrete stages: narrowing topics and generating ideas, making outlines, drafting and revising, and preparing properly formatted documents. In the first semester, students will learn the basic components of an expository paragraph. Students will learn how to write topic sentences, provide logical and adequate support, and complete paragraphs that are unified and coherent. Specific grammatical issues will also be addressed. In the second semester, students will progress toward a writing a short research essay. Students will learn the parts of an essay, including titles, introductory and concluding paragraphs, thesis statements and topic sentences as well as essay organization and proper research methods. Specific grammatical and usage issues will also be addressed.

Special Activity: A Writing Portfolio of work completed in each semester is an important part of the course.

The primary objective of this class is for students to be able to produce unified and coherent expository paragraphs through the stages of the writing process. to be able edit and correct their writing and to write academic essays based on topic readings and research.

Special Activity: Both first- and second-year classes have an Academic Writing Final Exam based on a research essay topic.

Reading I-II / IV

Reading is a discussion class that focuses on the development of students’ reading comprehension, vocabulary and collocation knowledge and expressive skills for the purpose of discussing literature, film, music and as well as academic topics from a variety of subject areas (science, business, sociology, cultural studies, etc.). Students will also complete a set number of graded readers or real books in each semester as part of the Extensive Reading Program. Some books will be discussed in detail through Reading Circle Activities.  Two formal 4-5 paragraph book reports are required as part of the Writing Portfolio.

The main objectives of this class are to foster the enjoyment of reading and to assist students in developing their reading skills through intensive reading and discussion. Students will develop skills for discussing general academic and cultural topics and texts.

IT Literacy I-II / III-IV  (英文電子文書作成 I-II / III-IV)

In this computer skills class, students will learn how to use the Chukyo network and Cubics, practice word-processing and typing skills, and use PowerPoint to prepare presentations. Various projects will be assigned throughout the semester. Students will also work independently on computer-based TOEIC study software as well as typing tutorial software. Students will learn how to create and format documents using basic features of MS Word and how to create and give presentations using PowerPoint. Students will also learn about using various forms of electronic communication (email, SMS), including proper language and etiquette for each.

The primary goal of this class is to provide students with the skills necessary to be computer literate and successful in courses requiring the use of computers for assignments. These skills include: basic computer functions, including the Chukyo Network;  Microsoft Windows;  Microsoft Word;  Microsoft Excel;  Microsoft PowerPoint; Internet Explorer;  Email on the Chukyo Network;  Typing skills using tutorial software.

Program in British and American Cultural Studies・英語圏文化専攻

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