「冷戦期の日米文化外交と国民文学の必要性――国民作家フォークナーの創生――」研究代表者 森有礼(中京大学)
Christina Klein氏特別講演会
日時:2020年3月3日(火) 17時~18時30分
会場:中京大学名古屋キャンパス4号館4階 L.S.Wing
演題:Cold War Cold War Cosmopolitanism:
Period Style and Public Culture in 1950s Korea and Japan
講演者:Christina Klein 氏(ボストン大学准教授)
Profile: Christina Klein’s interdisciplinary and transnational research focuses on America’s cultural encounters with Asia during the Cold War. She earned her B.A. in Film Studies from Wesleyan and her Ph.D. in American Studies from Yale. She teaches courses in American Studies methodology, Korean and contemporary Asian cinemas, Hollywood film, and American immigrant fictions. She is a member of the American Studies, Asian Studies, Asian American Studies, and Film Studies faculty.
Her first book, Cold War Orientalism: Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination, 1945–1961 (2003), examines popular American representations of Asia in relation to U.S. foreign policy. Her current project, Cold War Cosmopolitanism: Period Style and Public Culture in 1950s Korean Cinema, explores the impact of the U.S. military presence and American cultural diplomacy efforts on postwar Korean film style, with a focus on the work of Han Hyung-mo. Her articles and reviews have been published in academic journals in numerous disciplines. (quoted from her official site)
問合せ先:中京大学国際英語学部 森 有礼
(Tel: 052-835-7111 内線5515 /
E-mail: moria@lets.chukyo-u.ac.jp)