Professional Writing I-II

Course Descriptions for 2019: PROFESSIONAL WRITING I-II

  1. Karen Yasuda

(Mondays, 1st period)


This course aims to help students to develop their writing skills both on a professional and business level.  Students will learn how to communicate effectively through emails and other forms of business transactions.  In writing for academic papers, students will learn various styles and apply them to their writing assignments.  Through the application of the writing process, students will learn the essential components of quality academic writing.


1. Learn how to write effective emails and replies

2. Learn business vocabulary

3. Learn the writing process

4. Making a mind map


1. Application forms for jobs

2. Produce a CV

3. Produce a five paragraph essay

4. Keeping a writing journal

Grade Evaluation

Active participation: 25%
Business correspondence: 25%
Essays: 25%
End of term test/report: 25%Professional Writing I-II

2. Julia Beardwell

(Wednesdays, 1st period)

In this course you will learn the writing skills necessary in the workplace, from a simple memo from a meeting to a more complex report on sales. The main focus of this course will be based on research of Japanese and International companies, in order to prepare you for the job market ahead – it is hoped that by increasing your knowledge and awareness of job requirements and opportunities, you may even start to apply for available positions.

Email is an important part of international business and professional communication; therefore, one of the main objectives of this course is learning skills for the effective email communication in English. The email communication skills learned in this course will be used in other 3rd year classes to coordinate projects and communicate with classmates and the instructor.

There will be one research report and a number of short writing assignments designed to help develop your academic and professional writing skills, including English for journalism and advertising as well as specific skills such as writing cover letters, preparing CVs, making posters and newsletters, and using social media.

By the end of the course you will have learned how to communicate effectively, inform concisely and persuade successfully in written form in a professional working environment with confidence.Professional Writing I-II

3. Anthony Piccolo (Wednesdays, 1st period)

Email is an important part of international business and professional communication; therefore, one of the main objectives of this course is learning skills for the effective email communication in English. The email communication skills learned in this course will be used in other 3rd year classes to coordinate projects and communicate with classmates and the instructor.

Specific writing tasks will include the proper style and use of e-mail, efficient note taking and outlining, and practice revising for improved style and content. Along with a number of individual assignments and projects, students will also be involved in working together in the planning, outlining, writing, and revising of group writing projects which, in addition to honing writing skills, will also enable students to develop the skills necessary for successful collaborative  work.

There will be one research report and a number of short writing assignments designed to help develop your academic and professional writing skills, including English for journalism and advertising as well as specific skills such as writing cover letters, preparing CVs, making posters and newsletters, and using social media.

4. Beverley Lafaye (Wednesdays, 1st period)

Write for your Life

The successful businessperson writes well. This course will help you to master various writing styles, casual through formal. Taking the time to write well now will give not only give you an advantage professionally, but also afford you an important life skill.

Email is an important part of international business and professional communication. Accordingly, one of the main objectives of this course is to learn the skills necessary for effective email communication in English. The email communication skills learned in this course will be used in other 3rd year classes to coordinate projects and communicate with classmates and the instructor.

In each semester, there will be a main research project comprising a number of writing assignments designed to help develop your academic and professional writing skills, including English for journalism and advertising as well as specific skills such as preparing resumes, writing cover letters and testimonials, making posters and newsletters, and using social media.

Evaluation Professional Writing I:           Evaluation Professional Writing II:

Reports 50%                                            Reports 80%

In-class writing tasks 30%                       Short-tests 20 %

Portfolio 20%

Professional Writing I-II

5. Teobesta Tesfa Endrias

(Thursdays, 4th period)

This course will develop your English writing skills for business and academic purposes.

Email is an important part of international business and professional communication; therefore, one of the main objectives of this course is learning skills for the effective email communication in English. The email communication skills learned in this course will be used in other 3rd year classes to coordinate projects and communicate with classmates and the instructor.

There will be one research report and a number of short writing assignments designed to help develop your academic and professional writing skills, including English for journalism, advertisement, reviews, as well as writing cover letters and preparing CVs.

Program in British and American Cultural Studies・英語圏文化専攻

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