Call for Submissions

Adventures in Professional Life. Fall 2018

Eigo Daily is looking for pieces on professional life, local Nagoya businesses, career trends in Japan or any related business theme. We are accepting feature articles (750-1000 words), interviews and profiles (500+ words), personal stories related to career (500+ words), and short reports of local, national or international business / career news (300+ words).

If you have an idea for a story, please get in touch with one of our editors. If you have a piece to submit, please read our Submission Guidelines before sending it to us.

Chris Armstrong <>

Maureen Boulanger <>


General Call for Submissions. Fall 2017

The editors of Eigo Daily invite submissions for an open-themed issue. We are accepting feature articles on topics of current interest as well as news, interviews and reviews (books, movies and music).

As in the past, topics related to student life, academic studies and professional development are welcome. Stories focusing on the Chukyo community and people, places and events in the Tokai region are especially welcome.

Please read our Submission Guidelines before sending making your submission, including our guidelines for writer reviews and conducting interviews.

Chris Armstrong <>

Maureen Boulanger <>


Adventures in Professional Life. Fall 2016

Eigo Daily is looking for pieces on professional life, local Nagoya businesses, career trends in Japan or any related business theme. We are accepting feature articles (750-1000 words), interviews and profiles (500+ words), personal stories related to career (500+ words), and short reports of local, national or international business / career news (300+ words).

If you have an idea for a story, please get in touch with one of our editors. If you have a piece to submit, please read our Submission Guidelines before sending it to us.

Chris Armstrong <>

Maureen Boulanger <>


Study Abroad Scrapbook: US, UK and Canada, 2013. Fall 2013

travelEigo Daily wants to hear your study abroad stories.

We now putting together a new series called Study Abroad Scrapbook: US, UK and Canada, 2013.

Send us a short piece of writing (one paragraph) about your study abroad experience in the US, the UK or Canada.

Focus on one experience or theme (a cultural difference, for example). Send us a picture of yourself and up to 2 other pictures.

Send your story as an attached Word file along with pictures (as separate email attachments: do not put the pictures in the Word file) to Christopher J. Armstrong <>. Write “Study Abroad Scrapbook” in the subject line of your email.