Toy Story 3

by Yuri Kikuchi

Woody is Andy’s cowboy doll. The dolls are the happiest when Andy plays with them. However, as Andy grows up and becomes a university student, he hardly plays with toys anymore. Many toys are thrown away or donated by accident somewhere. Andy considers his toys very important, so he decides to put them in the attic without throwing them away. However, these toys are donated by accident to a kindergarten called “Sunny Side.” Buzz, Jessie, Mr. Potato Head and other toys misunderstand and think that they are thrown away by Andy and are discouraged, but Woody believes in Andy. Woody tries to persuade his friends to believe in Andy, but they decide to stay at “Sunny Side.” However “Sunny Side” is a hell for toys because there are atrocious children destroying toys. Woody succeeds in escaping, but he knows that his friends are still in danger, and goes back to “Sunny Side” to help his friends. After that they try to escape and return to Andy’s house. However, everything doesn’t go according to the plan. Can they escape from “Sunny Side” safely!? What will be their fate?

Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 is a really heart-warming movie. We can see the cordial friendship of Woody and his friends. I was moved by the feeling that Andy considers his toys very important and the toys consider Andy important. There are also many humorous scenes. This is a movie that makes you laugh and cry. I want many people, especially children, to see this movie and think about their toys. This movie taught me the importance of friendship. Therefore, I recommend Toy Story 3.

Yuri Kikuchi is a second-year student in the Dept. of British and American Cultural Studies and a staff member of Eigo Daily.