Podcast 3: West to the Pacific

This program deals with the assigned reading from your textbook, chapter ten: “West to the Pacific.” The program will highlight the most important points of the chapter, give you some advice about what to study, and provide some hints for completing the bonus question on this week’s test.

Learn More About America’s Westward Expansion

1. How the Western United States Was Settled

In the late 1800’s, white Americans expanded their settlements in the west. They claimed land from Native Americans. The life of a farmer was hard, but technology proved helpful.

From Voice of America Learning English (script only)

2. A Rolling History of American on the Move
Ships, trains, cars, planes — a look at how transportation systems have helped keep a nation going.

From Voice of America Voice of America Learning English (audio and script)

3. American History: Gold, Land Drives Settlers West
The discovery of gold in California helped to speed development of the western United States.

From Voice of America Voice of America Learning English (audio and script)

Podcast 2: Colonial Life in America

This program deals with the assigned reading from your textbook, chapter five: “Colonial Life in America.” The program will highlight the most important points of the chapter, give you some advice about what to study, and provide some hints for completing the bonus question on this week’s test.

Learn More About Life in Colonial America

1. The Making of a Nation 11: American/British Relations After the French and Indian War
Differences over land ownership and religion led to mistrust between European settlers and Indian tribes. The arrival of diseases from Europe further damaged relations.

From Voice of America Learning English (script only)

2. America’s ‘Lost Colony’: A Story Whose Ending Remains to Be Written

In 1587, more than 100 people from Britain arrived at Roanoke Island. Three years later, they were gone — but to where?

From Voice of America Special English (audio and script)

3. American History Series: Britain Says No to No Taxation Without Representation
The relations between the American colonies and Britain after the French and Indian War about two hundred fifty years ago.

From Voice of America Special English (audio and script)

4. American History Series: The Heart and Spirit of the Constitution
The debate about a constitution for the whole nation.

From Voice of America Special English (audio and script)

Podcast 1: The First Americans

This program deals with the assigned reading from your textbook, chapter one: “The First Americans.” The program will highlight the most important points of the chapter and give you some advice about what to study.

Learn More About Native Americans

1. American History Series: A Clash of Cultures in the New World
Differences over land ownership and religion led to mistrust between European settlers and Indian tribes. The arrival of diseases from Europe further damaged relations. (From Voice of America, script only)

2. Pocahontas, 1595-1617: An Important Player in Early Jamestown
Learn about Pocahantas, the daughter of the chief of the Powhatan tribe and her role in the early years of English settlement. (From Voice of America, audio and script)

3. A Look Into the Life, Music and Art of American Indians
This program explores the modern life, music and art of American Indians. (From Voice of America, audio and script)

4. The National Museum of the Native American
Explore Native American history and culture.